viernes, 15 de julio de 2011


Rob Reilly

El Presidente mundial de IEEE Education Society, Rob Reilly, visitará Bogotá el próximo 27 y 28 de septiembre para explicar cómo se desarrolla la globalización de la acreditación académica de la ingeniería. El científico quien estará acompañado con otros distinguidos ingenieros miembros de IEEE, visitará Colombia con motivo del III Panel Educativo y VI Robot al Parque en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. El III PANEL EDUCATIVO se realizará conjuntamente con el VI Robot al Parque en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital, Carrera 8 No. 40-62.

El Doctor Reilly es Investigador Científico del Centro de Iniciativas de Multimedia Educativa del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT) y ha escrito más de 100 documentos académicos y científicos. Doctor en Educación de Universidad de Massachusetts Amherst, Master en Educación de la Universidad de Springfield, y Licenciado en Ciencias de la Universidad de Massachusetts Amherst. Actualmente es Presidente del Comité Asesor de la  Conferencia International IEEE EDUCON desde 2009 y Presidente Honorario de la Conferencia NGN (Next Generation Networks) de Marruecos desde 2008.

También ha sido conferencista central en la apertura de más de 35 conferencias internacionales. Dentro de las más recientes conferencias internacionales del Doctor Reilly se mencionan las siguientes: “There is Pedagogy and Then There is Pedagogy”, conferencia de apertura de EDUCON 2011, Amman, Jordan, April 2011; “Leadership in Engineering Education, en IEEE AndesCon, Bogota, Colombia, November 2010; “Engineering, Pedagogy and Curriculum”, Invited Presentation, Republic Polytech University, Singapore, July 2010; “Engineering Education and the Noble Prize” , Invited Presentation, Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 2010; “Big Vision and Small Vision Need for Leadership”, Invited Presentation, Massachusetts Computer Using Educators (MassCUE) Annual Leadership Conference, March 2010.

Junto con el Doctor Reilly, también participarán en el III PANEL EDUCATIVO IEEE el Doctor NORMAN LERNER, el Doctor TEOFILO RAMOS y el Doctor ALFONSO PÉREZ.

Norman Lerner
El Doctor LERNER es Consejero de IEEE para asuntos de alto gobierno, Alto Consejero de las TIC para la OEA y director del Proyecto Engineering for the Américas. 
Teófilo Ramos
 EL Doctor RAMOS es Miembro Fellow del IEEE por sus contribuciones a la educación de ingeniería internacional y por el desarrollo del sistema de acreditación de ingeniería en México.

El Doctor ALFONSO PÉREZ es Coordinador para la R9 de los Grupos Life Members, Vicepresidente del Capítulo Colombia de IEEE Education Society, y miembro del Grupo de Expertos para la definición de un modelo Global Accreditation para la Región Latinoamericana.

Se invita a la comunidad educativa a participar con la presentación de ponencias en el III PANEL EDUCATIVO o con la presentación de fichas técnicas en el VI ROBOT AL PARQUE en formato paper IEEE.



2011 Educative Panel IEEE is seeking original submissions addressing the innovative researches and good practices in the fields of engineering education.


Papers are solicited on, but not limited to, the following topics:

Globalization of Engineering Education
Current Trends in Engineering Education
Quality Assurance in Engineering Education


It has been observed that the current accreditation models implemented in
Engineering education worldwide are non-uniform, non-transparent and lacking a systematic approach.

The accreditation in engineering and technology commenced voluntarily with the help of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) in the United States.
 The `Bologna Process' is working to build up the `European Higher Education Area' (EHEA).

In this context it is relevant to debate on global accreditation of engineering education.


You are cordially invited to submit your documents from three to four pages and two columns in English or Spanish in the IEEE format.  Template:

http:// / portal / cms_docs / pubs / confpubcenter / pdfs / samplems.pdf


Papers should be sent by e-mail before August 20, 2011.
The results of the review will be published on the web August 30, 2011.

Selected papers must be formally delivered by 15 September and will be published in thetransactions of the panel with ISBN registration in digital format.

Selected authors will participate in the PANEL on September 27, 2011 in Bogota, along with other guests.


Selected authors may submit their work in poster format. Models:

Members of the IEEE, or have her work published in other conferences may have a copy of your publication to be eligible for national speakers.


Tel (57-1) 3239300 Ext. 2506

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Engineering for the Americas Symposium

Stimulated by the globalization of the engineering profession and the industries that it supports, and by increased interest in trade between countries and regions in the American hemisphere, a grass-roots movement to enhance engineering and technology education in the hemisphere has been gathering momentum through discussions at conferences over the past four years. 

The movement has been dubbed “Engineering for the Americas”, and it has involved educators, industry representatives, government officials, and professional groups as it has evolved. 

The basic concept calls for engineers educated in high quality institutions in each country in the hemisphere, with quality assurance systems in place to guarantee consistently high caliber graduates. 

Mutual recognition of such engineering graduates across national boundaries, combined with cross-border trade agreements, will facilitate the flow of work and human resources throughout the hemisphere to optimal locations – for distributed economic development. This open mobility will then form the basis for a knowledge-based, hemisphere-wide economy, which is competitive in the overall global economy. Each country in the hemisphere, as well as the sum of all countries in the hemisphere, should benefit.

Recognizing the importance of this movement, the Office of Education, Science and Technology of the Organization of American States has worked with the previously ad-hoc group to formalize the “Engineering for the Americas” concept and program. 

A hemispheric initiative with this title was developed in meetings convened by the OAS in mid-2004, and incorporated in the Declaration of Lima and the Plan of Action of Lima, which were adopted by the meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Science and Technology in November 2004. 

The initiative calls for enhancement of engineering education, development of quality assurance mechanisms, harmonization of degree patterns, fostering of innovation, and government commitment to providing necessary upgrading to engineering and technology education. It also calls for a major workshop during 2005 to address how to effectively implement these proposed actions.

A planning committee has been established by the OAS to organize and conduct the major workshop called for in the Lima Declaration – the “Engineering for the Americas Symposium”. It will be held in Lima, Peru during 29 November – 2 December, 2005.
